It is vital to look for underlying values that may explain a certain behavior that allows you to practice cultural sensitivity. A good instance is when I was in Spain especially in case study solution south, where they take a 2 3 hour siesta and lunch in case study answer middle of their work day. Many people view this cultural norm as case study answer people just being lazy when it really has a load more to do with case study solution fact that traditionally Spaniards value family face time. Eating in combination as a family is more important to them than maximizing work time by scarfing a sandwich down at their desks. Being aware of cultural values and norms is not just alluring, but can assist us understand overseas issues and conflicts, and even relate to case study answer cultural norms of a overseas company accomplice. It is a crucial skill to be able to shift views and notice where someone else is coming from. All nail items tested become more contaminated with bacteria over the years. However, there is no lotion that hurries up nail growth. Create an account or log in. Our nail care merchandise are available in a considerable number of feel good formats to fit your every need. This aspect of case study answer beauty treatment industry saw gigantic growth at case study answer turn of case study solution century, in large part because of case study answer amount clients were inclined to pay for fantastic work. A cropped Main article: Nail biting For some critical musicians, daily nail care can become a mark of pride and dedication.