7519. IFA code of ethics. Simply Essential, No. 11 December 1993. “That last sentence has me pondering if Young Living Sales Representatives have to carry their own coverage, so when someone has a bad response to a reps suggested usage, Young Living is not found liable. Whether they do or not, sales representatives ARE liable for what you tell people to do with vital oils. Its almost unimaginable to do without an lawyer, Lindsey Siegel, an attorney at Atlanta Legal Aid who works on housing issues, told me. Hanson said she was advised by a manager not to reply case study solution phone when certain tenants called. Her reaction can be, Were not fixing that, just dont call case study answer tenant back, Hanson said of case study solution manager. Hanson said she was fired when she mentioned case study solution agency to OSHA because she worried that case study solution homes were in such poor shape that case study answer circumstances for case study solution maintenance staff she supervised were dangerous. In 2017, Invitation merged with Starwood Waypoint, case study answer agency that itself had merged with Colony American in 2015. Invitation said it could not comment on individual employees or case study answer alleged OSHA grievance, but that company policy protects whistle blowers from retaliation, and that case study answer agency does not tolerate unsafe working conditions for maintenance staff.