When leaders come to see themselves as having societal aim, they are able to decide to get involved at local, countrywide, or even global levels. A few years ago, case study answer head of IBM Greater China arranged a personal diplomatic mission to Washington, meeting with White House officers and U. S. politicians to discuss case study solution impact of Chinas emergence as an economic superpower. He had a desire to see both nations thrive and believed that his role in a global agency afforded him a unique angle. After retiring in 2009, he remained an IBM super alum, in company parlance, and was supported by IBM in attending a tremendous U. I would recognize it. Thank you!Editors Note: Trep Talk takes you inside case study answer millionaire minds of case study solution most exciting entrepreneurs behind case study solution big ideas. Join Entrepreneur for a more private look at case study answer creators of a few case study solution most successful agencies today. But Robin Chase, case study solution founding father of car rental agency Zipcar, says that case study solution only way she was capable of make a dent in case study answer variety of cars on case study answer road was to use generation to broaden an option for folks who want to drive this is inexpensive and more handy than owning a car. Since launching Zipcar over a decade ago, Chase began a more recent transportation choice agency, Buzzcar. The France based company allows car owners to hire out their cars by case study answer hour.